
Flexible and modern coworking spaces at train stations across Germany

The Story

everyworks takes coworking one step further. The project of the DB Station&Service AG opens office space at train stations as coworking spaces with minute-based billing or tailor-made office solutions on a monthly basis. bitcrowd built the Elixir API, admin backend, and booking system, which power the native apps built by our friends at evenly.

A product for

Deutsche Bahn


  • Portrait of Darren Cadwallader

    Darren Cadwallader

    UI/UX Engineer

  • Portrait of Agathe Lenclen

    Agathe Lenclen


  • Portrait of Malte Rohde

    Malte Rohde


  • Hand-drawn portrait of Max Mulatz

    Max Mulatz


  • Hand-drawn portrait of Hannah Voget

    Hannah Voget


  • Hand-drawn portrait of Ed Eva

    Ed Eva

    Product Designer

  • Hand-drawn portrait of Angelika Tyborska

    Angelika Tyborska


  • Hand-drawn portrait of Andreas Knöpfle

    Andreas Knöpfle


Visit site
Screenshot of the everyworks website, describing how company accounts work
Screenshot of the everyworks UI, showing a selection of highlights of their coworking spaces — free wifi, tea, & coffee, luggage storage etc.

The product

A screenshot of the everyworks website, detailing their services and pricing

Deutsche Bahn Station&Service AG has a large number of properties around their train stations across Germany. They now offer them as flexible office space and meeting rooms, so now the millions of daily travellers can benefit from a country-wide network of flexible workspaces and meeting rooms, and DB makes better use of their train station properties.

The core of the everyworks application is an invoicing and payments system, paired with customer management, a calendaring & booking system, admin user management, and an HTML email notification service. This allows everyworks admins to manage the available spaces, meeting rooms, and desks, schedule bookings and cleaning services, and to manage both customer accounts and their own staff’s access to the system.

The Story

We built the backend of the service in Elixir, taking advantage of the functional programming language’s reliability and precision to create a solid and robust application.

Screenshot of the everyworks admin interface, showing a table of invoices with important information visible, and buttons to view or edit each invoice

The application was built with the traditional controller approach, but the more interactive parts of the UI were built using the then-new Phoenix LiveView. This technology allows us to write functionality on the server-side and have the UI update to reflect data changes in a highly-responsive way. It also brings a well-designed and full-featured component system to a backend language, meaning we can create an organised system of rich, encapsulated, and maintainable components.

Screenshot of the space-management & calendaring system of everyworks admin, showing a calendar interface with block colors showing bookings for each different resource.

Our backend team designed and built the GraphQL API that’s consumed by the everyworks mobile application. Through this, everyworks customers can make bookings and manage their accounts on their phones. Convenient and fast access to the reserved spaces is handled though an invite system, with QR codes generated and sent to each customer and their guests, that are scanned on arrival.

The application is deployed on AWS using Kubernetes, giving us a dependable application environment, lightening fast response times, and industry-leading uptime.

Screenshot of some colorful information about the everyworks mobile app

Customers interact with the service through the mobile app, and through HTML emails. These HTML emails contain their QR codes for each booking, are a always-reliable backup to the mobile app just in case, and provide a simple way for a customer’s guests to access the service without having an account. The emails are everyworks-branded, responsive, and tested on a range of 40+ email clients and platforms. They need to always work and look good, whichever device or email app the customer is using.

New features and maintenance

The service started simple. Over the years, we’ve built an expanding offering of services as everyworks grows to accommodate more of their customers’ needs.

AScreenshot of the everyworks website, showing some information and photos of the Berlin Hauptbahnhof offices

The product started by offering desk spaces available on a per-minute pay-as-you-go basis. Among other new features, we’ve added flat-price meeting rooms with multiple invited attendees, flexible prepaid minute-wallets, day passes, vouchers, and discount campaigns.

These new features have helped everyworks fit more conveniently into their customers’ lives, and attracted new customers from other market segments.

At the beginning, everyworks was a standalone product for Deutsche Bahn and for us. In the last four years, we’ve built a range of services for DB Station&Service AG, all under the “Digital Marketplace” (DiMa) umbrella. You can read about several of those projects elsewhere in the projects section of the website.

Moving everyworks into the same codebase as all the other DiMa services increasingly made sense, though it was clear it would be no small task. The move took quite some developer time, and has paid off, with reduced maintenance, increased reliability, and improved UI as the everyworks admin screens got upgraded with all the features that we’d developed in the time we’d been building those other products. Since the switch, adding new features has been more straightforward and well-integrated.

The team

  • Portrait of Darren Cadwallader

    Darren Cadwallader

    UI/UX Engineer

  • Portrait of Agathe Lenclen

    Agathe Lenclen


  • Portrait of Malte Rohde

    Malte Rohde


  • Hand-drawn portrait of Hannah Voget

    Hannah Voget


  • Hand-drawn portrait of Christoph Beck

    Christoph Beck


  • Hand-drawn portrait of Andreas Knöpfle

    Andreas Knöpfle


More past projects


One of Deutsche Bahn’s projects to creatively make better use of their train stations, Radfix is designed to slot into the life of anyone who cycles and commutes using their train station. When your bike needs repairs, lock it to a special bike lock at the station, book the repair on your phone. When you come back from work in the evening your bike will be waiting for you, newly-repaired.

Started as lockdowns loomed, we took our design process fully remote, workshopping, designing, and building this entirely new product with the Radfix team. The whole process was so successful that we now offer to work remotely for most of our projects.

Released: January '22

Screenshot of the radfix homepage, with the text “Die Fahrradinspektion und Reparatur direkt am Bahnhof”, an illustration of a person with bike and mobile phone, and a selection widget for choosing your location
Screenshot of the radfix webapp, showing the user selecting a checkup at Bahnhof Südkreuz Berlin

Box - Die Abholstation

Box – Die Abholstation is Deutsche Bahn’s vision for making their stations an ever-more useful part of daily life. Providing a pick-up and drop-off site for all kinds of deliveries — from pan-European retailers to local florists and dry-cleaners — orders can be collected on your way home, simply by using a secure locker at your local train station.

Working with Deutsche Bahn, bitcrowd helped identify the project’s requirements to create a product that’s functional and accessible. During our in-depth workshopping process we sketched and wireframed every step of the process to meet the needs of retailers, end users, and DB staff. As security for Box – Die Abholstation is critical, our backend team worked hard to create fully robust systems, while our frontend engineers crafted intuitive layouts from our UX and visual designers.

Since Box – Die Abholstation launched, we’ve been continually refining, improving, and extending both the product and its marketing materials, creating new landing pages and an interactive demo to walk users through the whole process.

Released: October '21

Phone-sized screen showing the UI for selecting a compartment size. Available sizes are shown with measurements and a line drawing of the compartment.
Phone-sized screenshot of the UI for selecting how to return an article through the Box system


For centuries the research hospital Charité has been renowned for its pioneering work across many different medical fields. Products created by their research teams are tested in real-world medical trials, before being launched in hospitals throughout Germany – treating people and saving lives.

The research collected by Charité radiologists was used to train a machine learning (ML) model, allowing clinicians to more quickly and accurately diagnose eye conditions. With bitcrowd’s help to workshop, design, and build an expressive UI, clinicians no longer need to search through printed textbooks or looking up previous cases in Charité databases — they can now upload MRI scans to Radioeye, receiving possible diagnoses along with case history and fully-navigable scans.

Released: July '23

A large MRI scan of a human head, with Ui around it for navigating cases and diagnoses