Designing user flows
During bitcrowd’s extensive workshopping sessions, we sketched and wireframed every step of the process for businesses, end users, and DB admin. We took great care when introducing retailers to the product’s functionality, looking for unexpected complications brought about by real-world use.
The process included proposals for future improvements to the booking system. Though there wasn’t time to build a perfected product on the first attempt, we wanted to explore all the possibilities that could benefit later versions.
Sometimes client requirements change – it happens! Adaptability is an important asset for developers, and here we needed to pivot late into the design process. We updated userflows to meet these new needs, while holding onto the originals for later use. Hopefully continued development of the project would bring us a chance to reinstate features that we had to remove.
Our backend team built the systems necessary for such a security-critical undertaking, while our frontend team worked to the plans of our UX & visual designers.